August 3, 2010

Stupid in love.

Over the years as we inevitably experience life and mature (or at least most of us), the little girl starts to grow up into what is called "woman-hood." The fairytales begin to fade away as reality settles in. But what is it called when you seem to be in between? Caught in the middle? (As Britney would say, "not yet a girl, but not yet a woman" LOL). You go through harmless crushes; stalker-like, school-girl obsessions (no, just me? Haha) with all the butterflies and "melting". You have memorable relationships, those you wish to forget and those you have already forgotten; Then there's love and of course, heartbreak. I find that the older "women" in my life have crossed that bridge of sunshine & lollipops, into the cynical world of real life. Life where shit hits the fan, where you have bills to pay, where there are no pretty rainbows after thunderstorms  and where ice cream is no longer a tasty treat but a guilty pleasure that just makes you fat, and you come to learn this only after you realize, he's just not that into you.  Oh yea, and prince charming does not exist lol. [shock]. So sleeping beauty, get an alarm clock and wake yourself up; Cinderella, expect your fairy God mother to bill you for the outfit that was OBVIOUSLY, not in your budget; Snow white, you shoulda really learned the Heimlich maneuver. And Belle, OH Belle, I'm sorry but he's never going to change.

Is it that bad that I won't want to close my story book? Is it that bad I want to keep it open and wait, and hope for my happily ever after? Does that make me optimistic? Naïve? Or just stupid?

I used to be the BIGGEST, hopeless romantic (aka. Loser lol.) Head-over-heels for love. The "you're the only one for me, let's grow old together" kind of love. Simply put, I was in love with love… and a part of me still is (you don't forget your first love lol).  You think you have all the answers, but then you realize that everything isn't as its cracked up to be…. As I begin to cross the bridge into reality, the romantic in me starts to disappear. For one, it makes "love-life" more complicated than it is… you're left hoping that the guy you're with or want to be with, will be a prince charming, or that your "frog" will transform with time & patience…. But when he turns out  NOT being your knight in shining armor, what then? With all that build up, who wouldn't be disappointed or hurt?

Reality sucks, but it's smart. It's not that I'm talking from a heartbreaking experience that makes me this skeptical… but as you get older, you realize how the risk of heartbreak increases exponentially… and right now, its every woman for herself… to "man" up and face the rolls & punches of real life.  So for now, I'll close my story book but leave a bookmark, JUST IN CASE :p


  1. so, where's my email? i'm pretty sure i was the last one to send one?

  2. True love exists... it just gets mangled up with all the other crap in the world.
    People become cynical to protect themselves, and when that happens, love doesn't come to them. Love hates cynical people lol

  3. dont be a chicken shit. seek love with the risk of being hurt. no risk no reward
