August 9, 2010

CAUTION, Flammable.

Or at least I wish that was the sign on my heart. After yesterday’s sermon at church, I got a real REALITY CHECK. Even though I feel like I’ve heard the sermon about being a “lukewarm” Christian, over and over, it really only hit me this time around. Maybe it’s because I’ve either matured enough spiritually to admit my faults, or maybe it’s because it’s the only time I really felt like I could actually relate. Over the last couple of months, I’ve been comfortable, in status quo. I had no second thoughts about it. I thought I had “just enough God in my life” that both God and I would be happy (haha, right).

This “flame” of mine has definitely been flickering, but I barely noticed. I was so satisfied with being content, I didn’t seek out more. [How silly is that? Why drive a Civic when you can drive a Cadillac?] When you’re in a situation long enough, you get so used to it that you forget what once was, or what something could be… something better. My flame used to be this HUGE CRAZY FIRE… the kind where you could see the smoke and light from meters away (well maybe not meters, but a couple of steps… but in comparison, it’s a big deal). But over the years, it’s died down and I haven’t even tried to fan it, I haven’t bothered to do anything. Once in a while, I may have thrown in a couple of twigs to make sure it didn’t burn out… but no logs, no lighter fluid. I really need to bring it back. I want to be on FIRE feel the intensity, the passion. I guess the first step is realizing it. Step 2, here I come.

There must be more than this
Oh breath of God, Come breathe within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for you
Fill me anew I pray…

Consuming fire, fan into flame
A passion for you name

Spirit of God, fall in this place
Lord, have your way with me

1 comment:

  1. jenni your anaolgy with this whole 'fire' concept is amazing lol
    you're such a good writer!
