January 23, 2010

How jenni needs her groove back.

I've lost my nerd. I have misplaced the keener in me and am in dire need to "get my groove back." Unfortunately, I wont be able to take any pointers from Stella (except for the fact that a trip to Jamaica would be fantastic right about now) because I doubt a romantic love affair with a person half my age would do me any good (especially at my age, I'm pretty sure that's just WRONG and ILLEGAL- although I wouldn't mind getting a little mixed up with Taye Diggs)... nor would added distraction contribute to a healthy academia.

So instead, I procrastinate and stress about how stupid I am for procrastinating and then I allow the guilt to creep up because I know I should be trying harder because I know I can....I'm smarter than that, I think.  BUT! I let the exhausted, burnt out, lazy student in me take over because I am lacking academic stimulation, the root of my motivation, hard work and learning. Apparently my brain went on strike and the nerd and keener are picketing for better learning conditions... interest, passion,motivation, time management, less caffeine and more sleep!

This is going to be a long 3 months :(


    its ok, try doing an online course w/o a deadline! well, the deadline is a year... let's see how motivated you'll be to finish that! haha if you didn't know, that's me.. *sigh* annnd i've been out of school for how long?? so it's EXTRA hard to get back into reading and doing assignments... so, i feel your pain. i wish i was there to either help you with your procrastination or try to motivate you!

    xx love you
    (ps: take off that secret word thing haha)

  2. Once you're done school, you'll reflect back and realize "...wow everything is a blur." I actually do not remember all the days I pulled all nighters and what not.

    It's your last year!! Make it count!!!!

  3. Bang it out.

    your schoolwork not taye diggs.
