So I've been having a pretty crappy week regarding money.
Over the weekend, I made a payment of over $650 and then TODAY I took out another $320 in cash to make another payment (re: crappy week because I obviously don't have the means to pay for this). So at the bank I placed all the twenties in the envelop that they make available for clients by the bank machine and placed the envelop into my wallet. But because the envelops today have the pre-glued seal, I didn't seal it because I wanted to take the $20 out for myself for later... and because the envelop is wider than my wallet, I wasn't able to close my wallet. This afternoon, it was 20 degrees out. Gorgeous. So I decided to put my windows down as I drove. This afternoon, it was windy out. THIS AFTERNOON, A GUST OF WIND BLEW MY WALLET OPEN AND BLEW ALL MY MONEY OUT OF MY WINDOW!!!! THIS AFTERNOON, I LOST $120 OUT THE WINDOW!!!! (The saying "money out the window" and "I just blew $blank amount of money" has new meaning for me now). wwwwwwwwwwwttttttttttffffffffffffffffff! FML indeed! I wanted to do an illegal U-turn but there was a police man infront of me so I made a proper turn around parked my car and ran after my money hoping some would still be around. I followed light garbage around hoping it would follow the direction of the wind and guide me to my lost 20 dollar bills... this failed me after 30 minutes. BUTTT!! I found up to $60... so technically I lost $60 this afternoon. There was a woman at the bus stop who saw the money fly out, the same woman watched me look for the money.... i bet you she sniped a couple of twenties. I feel super.
eff you nature. effffffff you.